Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The next step

I have been investigating a lot of information on the impact of meat-eating on the environment but I would like to assure you that this is not a blog about how amazing your skin will be if you revert to veganism, or a catalogue of amazing glow-inducing recipes, (though I do frequent a couple of handfuls of those! ) Yes, I believe that food choices play a major role in the condition of the environment and I continue to find more correlations between the two. Actually, I find it quite interesting that the healthier we eat, ie. the more natural we eat, the more we are helping the environment. Just think, if you buy local produce, you avoid all the extra packaging;  you just buy the fruit or the vegetables or the grain (you get the point). Now think of the plastic and styrofoam was used to package imported and processed, the energy, oil, and other pollutants involved in transporting or processing....When you eat natural, the only waste left is the biodegradable "left overs" that you could compost. But that experiment is for another time...

Anyways, the purpose of my jibber-jabber is to document my journey (and hopefully my boyfriend, Ryan's) to do my (our) part for the planet. And it all began with THIS:

Man, I keep a lot of tabs open! How embarrassing.)

This girl has not made any trash in 2 years!! Reading this article (here you go: was totally inspirational. My partner, Ryan and I have both been on this mind track lately and when I read this artical it just resonated in me. I want to be like this! I know I probably won't be able to, and I don't say this to let myself off easy. I live in Colombia and let's just say that there are many goods that are not available here that will assist in this goal. BUT I will try and I think that aspiring to do this is going to be quite the undertaking. I have to start somewhere and I hope that I may inspire you to start somewhere too.

 So how am I going to begin my trash-free existence?

Visit Lauren Singer's blog and find out what she does to eliminate trash from her life.

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